Welcome to our resources page. Here you can find downloadable booklets on how we view topics like membership, The appointing of elders and more.
Welcome to our resources page. Here you can find downloadable booklets on how we view topics like membership, The appointing of elders and more.

Sermons By Series

Sermon By Series
Here you can find our sermons filtered by series, just click on the link below to be taken to the series you are interested in.
Loving up, Loving in, Loving out
The King Is Coming (Advent 2018)
The Glory of God (Advent 2021)
Looking for our conventions? Then please click the button below to be taken to them.

We run various conferences at RBC, click on the links below to be taken to a playlist for these conferences.Want to quickly return to the top of the page? Then please click on the button below.