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Church Life

This page outlines the services we offer both for children and for older people,

allowing for a calm, loving relaxed way to connect to people and God.

Kids Blowing Bubbles


On Sunday mornings the children's work at our Church covers the age groups 3-11, spread over three age-appropriate groups, which we call Launchpad.


Our aim is to inform, educate and excite all our children about the Lord Jesus Christ.

The children at RBC receive the same teaching that the adults do, but it is delivered in an age-appropriate manner. Although the leadership provide the teaching topics, plenty of encouragement is given to our fine teaching team of men and women keen to use their own creativity in teaching.


An Elder oversees all the work but our group leaders are given healthy responsibility.

All our workers are DBS checked and follow our in-depth child protection policy, which is reviewed annually.


 For further information please contact the Church Office - 01209 313262 or email enquiries.



Within the youth work at RBC our desire is to invest into three areas of development: discipleship, mission and leadership. We focus on these three areas throughout the week within the groups that take place. Information on those groups can be seen below along with our mission statement. 


Our Mission Statement


“Raising a generation of young people equipping them with the truth, that they may live distinctive gospel-centred lifestyles as acts of worship & mission as they obediently walk in the plans and purposes God has for them.”


Let’s look a little deeper into the mission statement.


 It says “raising a generation of young people”. To raise a generation is to disciple a generation, to disciple a generation is to reach a lost generation. Raising a generation is to spend time in the community building relationships and trust with young people, sharing the Gospel and the love of Jesus, knocking down the divide that exists between community and Church.


Raising a generation is to encourage new Christians in their daily walk with God; through discipleship to build their awareness and assurance of who they are in Christ and to encourage them to step into the purposes that God has predestined for them in the knowledge and power of the Holy Spirit.


The mission statement encompasses an acknowledgement of Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the importance and authority of His word in which to equip and empower us for the task to which He is calling us.




"To encourage godly character development in each of the young people enabling them to live distinctive lives set apart by the living God." 

Engage is our Sunday morning group for those aged between 12 & 15.

Engage, as the name suggests, encourages young people to discover through engaging with God's word how they can live distinctive lives set apart from the world.

There are lots of opportunities to share together and pray together so that a learning process takes place from everyone and not just the leader. 


We strongly believe in loving one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. We aim and seek to spend time together outside of church, having meals, fun and worshipping the Lord together. If you are interested please feel free to join us at out next outing together.

Mens Breakfast

On the third Saturday morning of every month we invite the men of the Church to come together for fellowship around a cooked breakfast and to spend time praying and chatting around what it means to be a man of God in our homes, churches and communities.


We start at 7:30 am and finish at 9:00 am. Please feel free to drop in and join us.


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